Connecticut’s DMV Begins to Phase-In New Driver’s License System – Are You Prepared?
Before you jump for joy over not having to go to the DMV anymore, read on.
Back on May 1 of this year, I wrote a blog about the DMV in Connecticut.
Buckle up, both figuratively, and literally, because the change is rolling in. Starting Tuesday, June 13, Connecticut's Department of Motor Vehicles will start a phase-in of their new program to mail driver’s licenses and ID cards.
According to the information on the DMV website:
No longer will licenses and ID cards be handed to someone in the office. More than 25 states nationally now mail these credentials. Although residents still must appear at a DMV or AAA office to renew or apply for them, customers will be given a temporary paper card until the permanent card arrives in the mail
Let me reiterate what the DMV is stating. You still have to go into a DMV office, or AAA to file paperwork and have your picture taken.
The Department of Motor Vehicles press release has this to say about the new program:
It will reduce how long license customers spend in offices. Customers should renew at least a week or more before their birthday to allow time for the permanent card to be mailed before the old one expires. DMV returns to the customer the expiring Connecticut license or ID card and also issues a temporary paper card, which is a copy of the new license or ID
Why the big change? According to ct.gov/dmv, security. There is a new design, as well as new and upgraded security features to licenses and ID's.
The chief security benefits include reducing the risk of counterfeit licenses and ID cards by having tight controls over materials in a central facility that meets high-quality federal and state standards. This enhances the security of customer identities and reduces opportunity for identity theft
I just renewed my license about a month ago, so none of this was in place yet. My husband has to do his before the end of July, so he will be a part of this new process. Fingers crossed! Actually, I think I better tell him to start now.
Listen to Pam Brooks weekdays from 10-3PM on 95.1 FM, online at i95rock.com/listen-live/ or by downloading the radioPup app for your mobile device.
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