Judge Dismisses Sandy Hook Parents’ Lawsuit Against Town
The lawsuit brought by parents of two children against the town of Sandy Hook who were slain in the Sandy Hook Massacre has been thrown out.
Superior Court Judge Robin Wilson ruled that school officials' actions are protected by government immunity in the same way police officers are protected. The following is the summary of the 29-page decision by the Judge:
Faculty had to make split-second decisions in the face of an armed gunman and subjecting their decisions to scrutiny, aided by hindsight, would no less serve the public interest than subjecting a police officer's discretionary decisions to second guessing.
The lawsuit against the town and the school district claimed that school personnel failed to adhere to security procedures and those school officials never correctly trained staff for lockdowns. Judge Robin Wilson also wrote in her report:
In a situation so extraordinary and unique, and so chaotic and violent, it could not have been apparent that their actions or inactions were likely to subject the students and other faculty to imminent harm.
One of Newtown's attorneys clarified Judge Wilson's ruling by saying:
The cause of this horrible tragedy wasn't anything that school officials did but something that only Adam Lanza did.
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