I Thought Cumberland Farms Was Going Where the Old Bennigan’s Is?
Back in June, Ethan Carey, my partner in crime, wrote a blog about the plans for what would become of the old Bennigan's. The Federal road eye sore was reportedly supposed to become a Cumberland Farms gas station/convenience store.
Now, I'm not here suggesting this is not happening, but I drive by it every day and have seen zero activity. What up wit' 'dat? You would think they'd want to get going. People love these Cumberland Farms and it sure seems like there is a buck to be made. I mean, these mega-convenience stores are well lit, shiny, money-making machines.
Either get it going, or I can swoop in and do with that site what I always intended to. I will renovate, open doors as a restaurant, serve the EXACT menu Bennigan's did, and call it "Begin-Again's." That would be way better than a 50th place to get gas, gum and $1.00 coffee. Ethan and I had a deep conversation about Cumberland Farms and my plans for the Federal Rd. property. Here's how that went:
This is the Bennigan's menu. Apparently, there are still locations open somewhere. I'll simply change one letter in each word to avoid lawsuits. For instance, they serve the "Reuben Fritters." What do you think I might call those?
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