I-95 Listeners Show us Their American Flags
Pride, respect, mourning or celebration, there are a million different reasons and ways we fly the American flag, today's reason is just as good as any.
I-95 Listeners Show Us Their Stars and Stripes
On Monday I wrote an article that pained me. I had to share the news that the State of CT ranked very poorly in a new patriotism study. The study took a number of factors into account and graded the Constitution State #48 nationally. While I know patriotism is more than flag waving, I needed to rally the Ethan and Lou Show listeners to do just that. We needed an immediate and symbolic answer to this national criticism. I asked the radio show listeners to use the I-95 Rock Mobile App and text us photos of their flag, wherever it may be. They all came through in a big way and these are some of our favorites.
Greater Danbury Bobcat Sightings, Too Close for Comfort
This morning (4/28/21) on the Ethan and Lou Show we were discussing a viral video from North Carolina. In it, a couple was brutally attacked by a rabid bobcat but according to USA Today, they are going to be OK.
This sent me off on a tirade about bobcats because this happens to be one of my pet peeves. In the Greater-Danbury area, wildlife sightings are frequent and when one animal gets photographed, everyone piles on and says, yeah me too You saw a bear? I saw a bear!
I made the case that too many people are claiming to have seen bobcats recently, and with no proof. I said, look I know they are prevalent but they can't be around in the numbers that people will have you believe. Every Frank and Fran in the area says they saw one yesterday.
I said, if you saw a bobcat, prove it. It looks like I may have been underestimating the bobcats and the Ethan and Lou listeners because they did prove it and in a hurry. These are the Greater-Danbury Bobcat Sightings That are Too Close for Comfort.
Easily Overlooked but Vital Pieces of Candlewood Lake's Operation and History
At a glance, these photos and diagrams may mean very little to you. But, as Mike Allen's research points out these are vital pieces of Candlewood Lake's History and Operation.
Downtown Danbury Glows at Night
If you wait for the sun to set and head out on the streets, you will notice that Danbury, CT has a glow at night.
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