Help The Ridgefield Playhouse: Buy A Stop & Shop Reusable Bag
Being employed in the business that I am, it devastates me to see what our business partners in live music and events are enduring at this moment.
#SaveOurStages has been fighting to get our smaller performing arts venues some desperately needed federal funding, at this point, just to stay alive. A venue that is near and dear to our hearts is the Ridgefield Playhouse. It's a beautiful small place that brings in world-class entertainment to our area, and obviously, they're hurting right now.
I came across one of their social media posts yesterday, and it made me think that if you've been looking for some small way to help out during the pandemic, this is a very easy way to help out the Playhouse, all you have to do is stop by the Ridgefield Stop & Shop.
If you purchase a $2.50 reusable shopping bag at the Ridgefield Stop & Shop, which is located at 125 Danbury Road, through the month of November, the Ridgefield Playhouse will receive a $1 donation for each bag sold this month. This is part of Stop & Shop's Community Bag and Giving Tag Program, which has given back over $726,000, and helped over 4,100 local non-profit organizations, since the program started in May of 2019.
With Connecticut's positive coronavirus cases on the uptick, just yesterday Governor Lamont rolled back the state into Phase 2 restrictions. Although the Ridgefield Playhouse has been able to pull off socially-distanced events recently, they are far from a full-slate of shows, and with no end in sight so far for these restrictions, they need our help in any way that we can.
Consider purchasing the Stop & Shop reusable bag if you're shopping at the Ridgefield Stop & Shop this month, it just may keep this incredible venue going for the desperately needed arts we miss so dearly.