Emotions Elevate at Southbury Hearing About Banning Guns
There was an important proposal brought up at a recent town hall meeting in Southbury — should there be an ordinance that bans firearms on all municipal property within the town?
According to the Hartford Courant, hundreds attended the meeting that was held at Pomperaug High School, which turned into a heated discussion. A Heritage Village resident told the group that there's no reason to bring a gun to a library. Critics of the ban said it would make citizens less safe. The president of the Connecticut Citizen's Defense League, Scott Wilson, explained to the group that any citizen determined to harm people will not pay any attention to a gun banning ordinance.
Po Murray, the leader of the Newtown Action Alliance, which is a gun control group formed after the shootings in Sandy Hook, quoted statistics that claimed the United States has more firearms per capita than anywhere else. He went on to say:
If guns make us safer, we'd be the safest nation in the world.
Throughout the evening, debates between the pro-gun and anti-gun contingents became heated. Similar ordinances have been passed in North Branford, East Haven, Naugatuck, Meriden, Ansonia, and Woodbridge.
To recap, Southbury town officials have proposed an ordinance to ban firearms on town-owned property. For the play-by-play, click on courant.com. There were close to 1,000 people at the get-together and most of them were against the proposal.
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