Gov. Lamont Expands Upon Criteria for Reopening Connecticut in Phases
Governor Ned Lamont updated Connecticut on how we're doing towards meeting his criteria for Phase One of reopening the state. He has 7 criteria that need to be met in order for some businesses to reopen their doors.
We are at or close to goal in most of the criteria areas. Testing and tracing remain the two biggest issues. With regard to testing, pharmacies may now order and administer a COVID-19 test, without the requirement of a doctor's prescription.
Contact tracing programs will be expanded next week, with 20 local health departments starting pilot programs and recruitment and training of volunteers already underway.
From the slides below, you can see that the state has mad significant progress towards its stated goals for Phase 1 reopening. If those criteria are met by the target date of May 20, the following businesses can reopen:
- Restaurants (outdoor- no bar service)
- Remaining retail
- Offices (although continuing to work from home if possible is encouraged)
- Hair and nail salons
- Zoos (outdoor)
- Additional outdoor recreation
- University research programs

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