Denis Hof Passed Away, Still Could Win Election to Nevada Legislature
He was known as Nevada's most famous pimp, the owner of the "Love Ranch" and a reality TV star on the HBO series "Cathouse." Denis Hof passed away on Tuesday at the age of 72.. So what will happen now with his run for State Legislature in Nevada? He could still win!
The ballots have been printed and mailed according to Yahoo. Voting begins Saturday and although voting centers will post clear signs that Denis Hof is no longer with us people can vote for him and some will. The Yahoo report states his is LIKELY to win.
So what happens if he gets elected? County officials will then appoint a Republican to fill the spot. C'mon Nevada! Sure, it's a blast to vote for a dead guy. You head to the polls, have a few laughs, say "I've never done that before" and stop at the local pub afterwards for a few pops. If you do that you are giving your vote away and letting someone else decide for you.
You are going to elect a dead dude that ran a pickle palace, exchanging goods and services for the filthiest kind of cash? "Grow up Peter Pan, Count Chocula."
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