Danbury Mayor Wants to Do Away With Connecticut State Income Tax
Danbury's Mayor, Mark Boughton, is making a bid to run for for Governor and one of his campaign strategies is an attempt to repeal the Connecticut state income tax.
Boughton told the NewsTimes:
Connecticut has a spending problem, not a revenue problem.
How could the Mayor possibly make the Connecticut income tax go away?
His plan is to make up the lost tax revenue by downsizing the state government and regionalizing specific municipal services. Is it that easy? Not according to former Governor Lowell Weicker, who instituted Connecticut's first income tax shortly after he was voted into office in 1991. According to the NewsTimes article,This is what he told Boughton:
I tell Mark Boughton to get with the real world. All that's going to mean is a huge sales tax, and that will really hurt the lower income families in our state.
Connecticut Democrats pretty much say that repealing the state income tax will never work, saying that the state's deficits will shoot way up, which may lead to the end of vital state services. They say it's an economy killer in the long run. CNBC's Larry Kudlow told the NewsTimes that Boughton has the "right spirit", but something really needs to be done about the many businesses that are running away from Connecticut because of the hefty taxes on corporations. He went on to say:
Who the hell wants to move to Connecticut? It's a tragedy because it's a great state!
Join Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton with Lou and I on I-95's Ethan and Lou Morning Show every Thursday at 8:45 am.
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