Christmas Tree Pick-Up Underway in Danbury Area + Surrounding Towns
Danbury and many area towns have begun their live Christmas Tree pick-up. Here's a schedule of when each town will be collecting those Holiday Trees.
The city of Danbury has started its free live Christmas tree pick-up, and it will continue till January 31st, weather permitting. Residents are asked to put their live Christmas trees curbside so that can be properly disposed of. Only trees left curb side will be picked up.
There's no need to call the City of Danbury, because trucks from the Highway Dept. will be in different neighborhoods daily. There is no set schedule for pick up dates.
According to the City of Danbury's website, there are a few simple rules residents are asked to follow:
- Residents must place their live trees curbside for pick-up.
- All decorations must be removed from the tree.
- No decorations, tinsel, lights, tree stands or other items will be picked up, just trees
- No artificial trees will be picked up.
Live Christmas trees can also be dropped-off free of charge for Danbury residents at Ferris Mulch Products, located on Plumtrees Road.
According to newstimes.com, here's a look at when other area towns will be doing tree pick-up.
New Milford: The Parks and Recreation Department will accept real trees and wreaths at the entrance to Clatter Valley Park from now through Feb. 1. The department asks that decorations, wire and metal be removed before drop off.
Newtown: Boy Scout Troop 270 will pick up trees and wreaths throughout town during the next 3 weekends. The suggested donation is $10. To sign up visit, https://www.facebook.com/Troop270NewtownChristmasTreePickup/.
Brookfield: Boy Scout Troop 5 will pick up trees on Saturday Jan.14. The suggested donation is $10. To sign up, visit http://www.brookfieldtroop5.org/christmas-tree-pickup.html.
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