CT Makes Top 10 List of States That Submit the Most Pothole Complaints in America
I live in Danbury, a medium sized city in Fairfield County, CT.

I'm a professional big-mouth, a paid complainer as both a radio show co-host and a writer. If I've learned one thing in all my years in media, it's this, with the right amount of pressure, you can actually change things. You can make your community better, and it's hard to do, but you can make it worse.
I've decided to use my voice, my pressure on a topic that is not high on most people's priority list, potholes. I've written an obnoxious amount of repetitive articles about potholes and I'm not going to stop until I am forced to.
Every time I think I may let up, my car is eaten by a pothole created by Satan himself. Let's put it this way, if you live in Danbury and you drive, you're hitting multiple potholes each day, no matter the time of year. On the occasional slow traffic day, you might be able to avoid some potholes but only if you're willing to slalom around them by using the opposing lane of traffic.
Today I hit another pothole on my way home from work and went right to my laptop to get back to my sustained whine, and I stopped myself. I took a deep breath, and wondered if this is just me? Is the problem really what I make it out to be? Or am I simply the human equivalent of a screechy anus?
I needed to find out the truth and it didn't take me long. I may be an "A-hole" but this would not be the smoking-gun evidence for that. I found a report from Stacker published earlier this year.
The article says that CT ranks 9th in the nation for pothole complaints and they said that we have 12 pothole complaints for every 1,000 km of road in the Nutmeg State. In the published Stacker report, they added a tweet from a CT resident who wrote:
P.S. I won't stop until we are at the top of this list. Something must give, other than the frame of my vehicle. If you enjoyed reading this and wondered why I'd second-guess writing it, just check out some of the many articles I've already published on the topic.
Take a Look at Danbury's Behemoth Exit 5 On-Ramp Potholes
These Potholes on West Street in Danbury Will Devour Your Car + Your Soul
Potholes Are a Problem on Main Street in Danbury, But They Might Be the Least of the Road's Issues
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