CT Announces Statewide Gambling Self-Exclusion List Ahead of Legalization
Connecticut is on the cusp of legalized sports gambling. Most reports that I've read in the past few weeks has October 7, 2021 as the target date that they're shooting for.
Gambling your money away is something very easy to do for some individuals. There's always a bookie, OTB facility, casino, or a convenience store that sells Lottery tickets nearby here in Connecticut. Now that Connecticut is on the verge of installing up to 14 sports betting outlets around the state to take in all of the newly legalized funds, The CT Department of Consumer Protection has announced something that I've never heard of before.
The CT DCP has just announced today that they are launching a statewide self-exclusion list for residents to be able to exclude themselves from gaming activities here in the state.
CT DCP Commissioner Michelle H. Seagull said:
"We know there is a lot of excitement around the launch of an expanded gaming industry in Connecticut. While this may be a form of entertainment many people can enjoy, for others, it can be a harmful addiction. The ability to voluntarily exclude yourself from these activities is one of the many available tools to help. We encourage everyone to learn the signs of problem gambling, and to use the many resources available if you think you or a loved one may have an addiction"
If you sign yourself up on Connecticut's self exclusion list, you will be excluded from legalized gaming activities in the State. You will be prohibited from collecting any winnings, recovering any losses, or accepting complimentary gifts, services, or anything of value from a licensee or operator. Your personal information that you voluntarily provided will be shared with gaming licensees offering internet or in person gambling or fantasy sports contests. The licensee will close any accounts you have with them, and will stop providing you with gambling services.
You will also have a choice of how long you want to be on the exclusion list: One year, five years, or lifetime. If you choose 1 or 5 years, you may not remove yourself from the list until after the time period you selected has expired. If you choose lifetime, you are not allowed to yourself from the list.
Does this sound like something that you need? Sign up for Connecticut's gaming exclusion list by clicking HERE
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