Controversy Surrounds Opening of New Tappan Zee Bridge Span
Was Governor Andrew Cuomo compromising the public's safety to push for the opening of the new Tappan Zee before this Thursday's Democratic Primary?
The answer to that question is determined by who you believe. According to an article in the NY Times, engineers had discovered a piece of the old bridge that was unstable which threatened the new span that was set to open.
An elaborate ceremony had been scheduled by Governor Cuomo to celebrate the opening of the new Tappan Zee span but had to be postponed at the last minute due to the issue regarding the old bridge. Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro, the gubernatorial candidate claimed that Cuomo was trying to rush the opening of the new span before the Democratic primary on Thursday, September 13.
The latest update from the Daily News claims that bridge engineers have recommended the new span be opened for traffic this Tuesday evening, weather permitting. Molinaro has called for an investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board.
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