Connecticut’s Latest Coronavirus Numbers and What They Mean
Today I checked out the Connecticut Health Investigative Team website to find out where CT stands in the fight against the coronavirus and the Delta variant.
The state as a whole has gone from a 2.6% positivity rate on Tuesday (9/7/2021) to a 3.51% on Wednesday (9/8/2021), so there has been a slight uptick in coronavirus cases in Connecticut. But the state’s broader coronavirus trends remain promising, state numbers show.
On Wednesday, September 8, Governor Lamont's office reported 935 new cases, which increased the positivity rate to 3.51%. Hospitalizations due to COVID number 364 in Connecticut as of September 8 and 75% of hospital patients admitted for COVID symptoms have NOT been vaccinated. Let's take a look at the facts.
- High COVID-19 transmissions have been recorded in Hartford, New Haven, New London, Litchfield, and Windham Counties.
- There is no overall CT mask mandate in effect, but the CDC advises wearing masks in all enclosed places in Connecticut, especially the counties with high COVID transmissions.
- According to the website, masks are required to be worn by everyone in healthcare facilities, public and private transit, correctional facilities, schools, and childcare.
- A new variant labeled Mu (B.1.621) has been detected in Colombia that may be able to evade immunity, but there is not enough evidence to substantiate that claim.
- It has been found that the wearing of surgical masks reduces the spread of COVID-19. This is a fact.
To keep a lookout on the facts and figures of the coronavirus in Connecticut, I recommend the website,