Should Services Like UBER Be Regulated in Connecticut?
It's kind of like the Wild West out there with ride share companies like Uber and Lyft. Not many regulations or rules. Changes could be coming to Connecticut soon.
I have quite a few friends that make use of Uber often. And I get tons of emails from Lyft. I have never used either, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't. I just think some control of how the services work isn't a bad thing.
In a story from courant.com the state of Connecticut seems to feel the same way as me. The Connecticut House is ready to take up a bill today that would, for the first time ever, regulate companies like Uber and Lyft.
Seems like some of these service providers might be playing a bit loose with the rules.
Rep. Sean Scanlon who serves as co-chairman of the legislature's insurance committee told the Hartford Courant:
Until this bill is signed into law, there is zero regulation of Uber and Lyft
The bill looks to require them to have insurance in the same way as traditional taxis.
Scanlon also told courant.com:
no discrimination allowed whatsoever, and drivers must pick up passengers in any neighborhood in the state
It's pretty evident that the new wave of ride sharing companies are here to stay. Connecticut is poised to iron out the kinks. I think I'll wait awhile before I take my first ride, how about you?
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