‘Can’t Find a Job?’ Then Move Out of State Says President Trump
Hey upstate New Yorkers, if you're out of work and can't find a job, pack it up and "Don't worry about your house."
It's common knowledge that I am personally not a Trump fan but I choose not to make this 'a trash Trump' article. I'm just curious as to where you stand regarding what Trump told upstate New Yorkers according to a New York Post article. Summarizing his comments he stated:
"When you have an area that just isn't working like upstate New York where people are getting very badly hurt, you can move 500 miles away where you can't get people. I'm going to explain you can leave. It's OK. Don't worry about your house."
Assembly speaker from the Bronx, Carl Heastie stated that Trump's remarks were, "beyond reprehensible." state Republican Chairman, Ed Cox defended Trump saying, "New York is bleeding more citizens than any other state." Senate majority leader, Republican John Flanagan from Smithtown said, "Upstate New York is a wonderful place to live and raise a family."
Governor Andrew Cuomo's spokesman, Richard Azzopardi said, "We deal in facts not in fake news. The facts are unemployment has been cut nearly in half." According to an NPR/Marist Poll taken by 1,205 adults between June 21 and June 25, 2017, 37% approve of the job President Trump is doing and 51% disapprove. On July 28, 2017, where do you stand? Is Trump 'Making America Great Again?'
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