What Is Your ‘Type’ in Regards to a Man or Woman? The Answers We Received Are Eye-Opening
We asked this question to the listeners of the Ethan and Lou Show this morning. The guys' answers were very predictable, creepy, and predictably creepy.
The ladies' answers were all over the place and really interesting.
Here is what a few of them had to say:
Mystery Lady (Name redacted) - I NEVER expected to be attracted to young guys not they to me. I am going to be f-----g 60 this year! but this Christmas i spent in a hotel room with a 25-year-old farmer who tossed me around like a bale of hay! and right now i have a great thing going with a 23-year-old! what the hell is going on! PLUS..i am a big girl! I just have to ride this wave. They tell me they are sick of women their age the B.S. and the drama and are looking for maturity and experience. Works for me. Old guys are not cutting it for me...my energy scares them. Hell..these 20-somethings can hardly keep up with me!
Joann - Perfect man is a selfless man
Karen - Irish guys all the way
Linda - I don't have a type, sense of humor attracts me all the way!
Wendy - Captain America is my type
Cheryl - Sexy, sweet, funny compassionate, good in bed and generous with kids.
Kathleen - A guy who has a white van with no windows, especially if the van says free candy or puppies on the side.
Those were all real responses from our lady listeners. Kathleen's was brilliantly funny, Mystery lady's was eye opening, and Wendy's was generally unrealistic.
What they all had in common was that the answers had nothing in common. Whenever I do an informal survey like this, I hope to learn something about all women. What I learn about all women is they are all different -- like snowflakes.
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