I Noticed a Strange Road Sign on My Ride Along Rt. 7 in Brookfield
Have you noticed the sign in the photo above at the beginning of the highway portion of Rt. 7 Southbound in Brookfield? Alternative Fuels Corridor? Does Brookfield frown upon gasoline powered engines?
Quite the contrary, but the little Electric Vehicle sign underneath the big one made me think. Is the quarry along Rt. 7 a natural gas reserve? There sure as hell isn't a charging station near that sign.
What is an Alternative Fuels Corridor?
According to the State of Connecticut, those blue Alternative Fuels Corridor signs have been installed at the start and end of roadways in Connecticut and across the US to promote public awareness of the availability of alternate fuel options in the area surrounding the signs. In other words, thinking about purchasing an alternate fuel-powered vehicle? Well, you're not too far from a charging station if you see one of those blue signs.
As I said before, the closest charging station that I have seen in the area that sign is located way past New Milford High School. There's a Tesla Supercharger with multiple bays at the 7-11/Sonic by the Still River Drive/7 intersection.
I looked into it further, and found that Rt. 7 itself, from Norwalk to Brookfield, has been designated as an Alternative Fuel Corridor. Soon, if not already, you'll find those little blue signs on 7 all the way up to North Canaan. As of April 2022, all of Connecticut's Interstates 95.84.91, and 395 have been designated Electric Vehicle Alternative fuel Corridors. There are also CNG and LPG Alternative Fuel Corridors.
Whew. I'm glad, I thought that a bio-diesel plant was going to be built behind the Golden Leaf.