What Are the Chances CT Will Be Hit by a Stanky Giant Blob of Seaweed
WTNH-TV and most news sources have reported that marine and research scientists are tracking a 5,000-mile-wide seaweed bloom known as sargassums. This sizeable brown seaweed patch (algae) floats in ginormous masses and has been part of the ocean for centuries.
Peter Auster, a senior research scientist with the Mystic Aquarium, explained to WTNH-TV, "It's like a forest on the surface of the ocean." When sargassum rots, it produces hydrogen sulfide, which produces intense odors and can cause respiratory problems.
Could this massive swath of seaweed the size of twice the width of the United States be a possible threat to the east coast and, eventually, Connecticut beaches?
Auster answered that question by saying, "This glob of seaweed can reach further north as time goes by, but several circumstances would have to fall into place for this to end up in the Long Island Sound."