Being able to have zero fear over your right to freedom of speech should be a given. Thankfully, a Connecticut University agrees. My Alma Mater is making me proud.

As the gun debate continues to rage on around our country, many young people are speaking out via planned protests. WCSU has weighed in with a nod of encouragement.

This comes on the heels of the horrific high school mass shooting in Florida two weeks ago. High school students around the United States are planning walkouts and marches against gun violence over the next two months. According to a story from the schedule is this:

  • March 14: National School Walkout
  • March 24: March For Our Lives - Washington D.C.
  • April 20: National High School Walkout

A guide to the events can be found at

On the heels of a major announcement from a huge sporting goods company, my hopes and prayers are with the youth of our country to finally have a hand in making a solid change in the gun control debate.

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