Waterbury Hospital Announces Restrictions on Patient Visitation
Just last Friday, October 30, 2020, both Danbury and New Milford Hospitals announced that they were instituting a no-visitor policy due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases here in the state of Connecticut. Today, Waterbury Hospital has just announced that they are also joining in on restricting their visitation rights to the public as positive cases continue to rise.

According to a press release posted to Waterburyhospital.org, effective as of this morning, Thursday November 5, 2020, Waterbury Hospital is going to be limiting visitor access throughout their facility.
Medical, Surgical, and ICU patients are going to be limited to one visitor, per patient, per day. For Family Birthing Center patients, only one support person will be allowed. Also, only one support person, for those who require assistance, will be allowed for Outpatient Surgery/Outpatient Procedures.
There will be NO visitors allowed in the Emergency Department, except for those who require assistance, and parents of a minor. No visitors allowed in the Behavioral Health Unit, or anyone under the age of 16.
All visitors to Waterbury Hospital must answer a questionnaire, have their temperature checked, wear a facemask, and maintain social-distance while on hospital grounds.
Waterbury Hospital's Chief Operating Officer, Mark Holtz, said, "with Waterbury now considered a COVID-19 red zone, and for the protection of all our patients, colleagues, and visitors, we are putting in place these restrictions".
Waterbury Hospital does offer drive-thru testing, at 68 Robbins Street, on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursdays, from 8AM until noon.
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