We asked the listeners this morning to help us put together a pothole map for our listening area and the phones went nuts!  Check it out.

Now, I know things are going to be missing, but I also only had one morning to make the list based on your phone calls.

If we missed any, you can add it to our map by clicking on the box icon in the top right corner of the map, typing in an address and clicking the green pin to add it to the map.

I mean face it ... it's like Beirut out there. This time of year it's always bad, but with the winter we had it's much worse than I have ever seen.



We even got intense e-mails like this one from maddr nhell:

Pot holes - couple of comments:

1) police, bus drivers, postpeople, ups and fedex should all be chipping in. they are driving it constantly.

2) so what recourse does joe-blow have when they hit a pot hole and rack their front end and blow out their tires? local, state, federal? who ya gonna call?

3) our infrastructure is rated D...maybe F over all. Our Gov't is claiming deficit (can we say bankrupt). So they are going out there with HOT PATCH and doing a cover up instead of taking the time and spending the money to do things right - sorry no money. how do you fix this?

been listening to i95 since the stone house. keep on rocking.

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