UPDATE: 98 Degrees Get Apology Cake After Connecticut Parking Lot Issue
I wrote the definitive story on this matter yesterday. 98 Degrees was kicked out of a Stop N' Shop Parking lot in Norwalk, CT. Customers at a Norwalk Stop N' Shop were complaining about the buses in the lot and Stop N' Shop asked them to leave.
98 Degrees were in the area to do a show at the Ridgefield Playhouse last night and were staying at Hotel Zero Degrees in Norwalk, CT. According to reports, their buses would not fit in the hotel parking lot so they parked them in the lot of the nearby Stop N' Shop.
After people heard that Stop N' Shop gave the boot to the late 90's/Early 00's pop sensations (because of me) there was outrage. Even Senator Chris Murphy tweeted about it saying:
Honestly, this is unacceptable. Whenever 98 Degrees comes to Connecticut they should be treated like the kings they indisputably are. I'm sorry Nick. Please come back soon.
Now Stop N' Shop is in PR spin mode trying to make nice. They sent the band an apology cake to the Ridgefield Playhouse last night.
Does Nick Lachey need a cake? If Nick Lachey wants a cake, he buys a f------ cake. Does Jeff Timmons need a cake? Does Jeff Timmons even look like he eats cake?
These guys don't eat cake, they throw cakes in the garbage, especially dumb apology cakes. Get real, Stop N' Shop. What do you get the men that have everything? Nothing. You get them nothing. Here's an idea: don't put yourself in a position to apologize to them. Next time let them stay, sing, wear sheer shirts and croon their faces off.
I'm tired of being right about everything. I gotta run Stop N' Shop too? I'm too busy for that.
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