Two Danbury Students Achieve Perfection on SAT Math Scores
I barely passed sophomore geometry and these two brainiacs aced their SAT math scores.
The parents of two Immaculate High students who earned perfect scores of 800 on the math portion of their SAT tests must be so very proud of their boys, Hunter Kirkman of Sandy Hook and Ian Fitzgerald of Brookfield.
Kirkman is also part of the one percent of high school students taken from 21,000 high schools in the nation who have been named semi-finalists for a National Merit Scholarship. Kirkman told the Patch it was really no biggie saying, "I'm just a good standardized test taker."
Talk about your top-of-the-line gene pool, these two exceptional students are both taking Advanced Placement Calculus too. But wait, there's more! Fitzgerald is a member of Immaculate's concert band and is a three-season runner and Kirkman is captain of the soccer team and a member of student council.
How do they do it? Hunter Kirkman said it comes down to "faith and family." Ian Fitzgerald claims most of his know-how comes from online and out of school sources. From all of us here at I-95, congratulations to Hunter and Ian and both of their proud parents.
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