‘Turn off the TV’ Banner Placed on Brookfield Bridge
I was driving down Super 7 in Brookfield today (11/30/20), I looked up while passing under the bridge and saw a sign that read: "Turn off the TV." Being the snap, local reporter that I am, I exited the highway, got back on, exited again, got back on and drove up to where I could capture this photo.
Such a simple message, but what does it mean? What is it referring to? The way I see it there are two possible options. The sign's author believes we are being brainwashed about COVID-19 or we are being brainwashed about social or political issues.
Super cool, I get it, I have ears and eyes and I know that there are people who just think there is a long-term effort by the media to make people believe certain things or feel certain ways. I am a person who knows that all media has a slant one way or the other so I adjust accordingly and read between the lines.
The person who hung this banner obviously feels very strongly about this and I do have great respect for that. It's one thing to have strong feelings and it's a very different thing to tear up your bed-sheet, crack out the Sharpie, go full arts and crafts and then trudge across a bridge in the dark of night to hang a sign over the highway.
They went all in for this message that will likely be taken down by the time I finish writing this.
Here's my thing, I love TV and I'm not turning mine off because some people are too easily influenced. Inside that magic box are football games, Michael Scott, Dwight Kurt Schrute, Jim Halpert, Jerry Seinfeld, Cosmo Kramer, Geroge Costanza and Elaine.
The TV is the container for stories about how gorgeous 20 somethings work on mega yachts and convince themselves they are going to stay faithful to their significant other back home, when we know full well they are going to make sex with the first willing, good looking person on the boat after three margaritas.
The TV is where I can see people in Alaska who are so afraid of other people that they move out into "the bush" and perform their own dental work because they cannot even imagine living next door to someone.
It's the television that gives me access to stories about people who have strange obsessions, odd fetishes and where I go to see the latest rose ceremony. It's the place I can go to guess which washed up celebrity is singing in a chicken costume.
TV is where I learned everything I know, including kissing. I used to practice my smooching on the TV during Foxy lettuce commercials featuring Brooke Shields. I'm not going to "Turn off the TV," you turn off the TV and leave me be.
Now where the hell is the remote?
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