10 - You broke into your neighbor’s house and demanded he share his provisions.  The power came back on and the salt truck came through minutes later…can you say awkward.

9 - You burned your living room furniture for heat only to remember you have a wood burning stove and a generator.

8 - Your wife made sex with the local strongman to make a super strong baby that can take care of the next generation of your family. 

7 - You traded your oldest son for a pick up truck full of Idaho potatoes.

6 - You broke into the local cable company and held the staff hostage so you could broadcast your message to the public…the only words you could muster were:  “The End is near, my god man, the end is near.”

5 - You coated your body in Petroleum Jelly and ran into the streets babbling in tongues like Robert Deniro in “Cape Fear.”

4 - You have to explain to the propane company that you don’t have a tank to exchange because you used yours for a home made bomb.

3 - You found out that impersonating an officer is a pretty serious crime.  WHO KNEW?

2 - Your new nickname in your neighborhood is Mad Max.  The leather chaps and Mohawk might have been a bit much. 

1 - The rental company is very upset that you installed a gas operated chain fed machine gun onto the roof of their “Sonata”


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