Toasting Diversity in Danbury With Food, Beer, and Music
You know, there are studies for everything under the sun, but I have to admit it does make me puff up with a bit of "hell yeah" when a city that I grew up in gets good marks.
One of the best websites for statistics and studies is WalletHub.com They have a ton of info at your fingertips.
Recently, WalletHub did a study to find the most diverse cities in the country. They compared the largest 313 cites in the U.S. using various factors. Danbury, Connecticut ranks 21st on the list, which is pretty damn impressive. You can read the entire survey and get the full listing at WalletHub.com.
It's no wonder we decided to gather together all the goodness of fantastic food, beers, and great music to throw an awesome party to celebrate diversity! Join us on the Danbury City Center Green on Saturday, June 11, for the International Beer & Food Festival. The party gets started at 3 PM, and advance tickets are only $15 until June 10, or you'll pay $20 on the day of the festival.
Listen to Pam Brooks weekdays from 10-3PM on 95.1 FM, online at i95rock.com/listen-live/ or by downloading the radioPup app for your mobile device.
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