Thomas Jefferson Once Sent an Important Letter to Danbury Baptists Regarding The Separation of Church and State
Every Tuesday on I95's Ethan & Lou Morning Show, we are joined live in-studio by our friend Mike Allen for a segment called "The Place You Live."
Mike acts as our tour guide through through a chapter of CT history. He does extensive research and presents his findings in a way very few people can. On Tuesday (2/15/22), Allen told us the story behind the Thomas Jefferson letter to Danbury Baptists.
In 1801, Danbury, CT Baptists crafted a letter to then President Thomas Jefferson. They were expressing their frustration with the amount of influence the Congregational churches had over decisions in the Danbury area. The Baptists argued that it's not religious groups that should set the taxes or move the economy, these decisions should be made independent of any religion.
Their letter worked, and they'd found a sympathetic ear from Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson penned a response on January 1, 1802 and this is what he wrote: