It's the last day of July 2024, and I've spent the last three months waiting for the great big invasion of cicadas that we were warned about three months ago. Has anyone even seen two cicadas together in Connecticut this year?

In March, national news reports went out alerting us of a rare double-brood convergence of cicadas that hadn't happened in the past couple hundred years. Supposedly, billions, or trillions of cicadas were going to emerge from the ground in multiple Midwest and Southern states. Now at the end of July? A quick search of YouTube of 'Cicada invasion 2024' produced a few interesting results. Here's a video that someone uploaded from Eastern Tennessee -

I added Connecticut to the search, and all that came up were videos from our local media outlets warning us of the possibility, that never came to be.

I spent part of my childhood in Oklahoma, where there are plenty of cicadas. They used to freak me out at first when I was a kid, cicadas are big insects, 1-2 inches in length, but what really got me were the noise they made, and their big red eyes. If you've never seen one up close, you may not realize how slow they move. Cicadas take 17 years to mature, so they hurry for no one. Absolutely one of the easiest bugs to pick up and handle, if you were an 8 year old, fearless boy, like I was anyway. We used to pick them up and press the center of their backs to make the cicada produce their exceptionally loud song/noise.

Have you seen any in this warm, humid weather that we've been having this Summer? Did any of the midwestern babies survive the trip across Pennsylvania to make it here?

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