Stuffed Alligator Seized as Evidence in Westchester
I know having a live alligator as a pet is a big no-no but a stuffed alligator?
The Southeast Patch reported that a 5-foot long stuffed alligator was hunted down and captured after Environmental Conservation Officers saw a listing on Facebook posting the alligator mount for sale. No word on the name of the taxidermied alligator.
ECO officers called the seller to set up a sting operation to hopefully take back the gator because it's against the law to sell certain types of animal taxidermy in New York State. Also on the list are Cheetahs, Polar Bears, Ocelots along with many others. The seller was issued an administrative ticket for illegally offering the stuffed alligator for sale.
If you're on the lookout for a taxidermy specialist I recommend Whitney Taxidermy in Sherman Ct. If you've been thinking about a change in career and would like to look into the art of taxidermy, you may want to take a peek at this video first.
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