Someone Was Stabbed at a Viewing of the New ‘Purge’ Movie
Movie prices are just outta control but now add stabbings and you have a recipe for a bad Yelp review. According to the Smoking Gun a man named Bryan Morrison was seeking a seat in a reserved section of a movie theater in a city near the Oklahoma-Texas line called Sherman.
Morrison allegedly got into an altercation with a man named Terry Honore who had reserved the seat prior to the showing. According to police the altercation ended with Morrison stabbing Honore. Honore was rushed to the hospital and is expected to make a full recovery. Police say Morrison fled the scene, was eventually tracked down and arrested. Morrison faces assault with a deadly weapon and aggravated assault charges.
I'm not anyone who is ever going to blame movies, music or any form of art for someone's evil behavior, ever. I will say however that your chances of being stabbed at a movie about killing people one night a year to keep the Earth's population at a healthy level are higher than say going to see Disney's "Moana." I mean that is math and science.
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