Should Squantz Pond in New Fairfield REALLY Be Considered a ‘Hidden Gem?’
Every now and then, someone does a story on hidden treasures that you can visit in the state of Connecticut. It's just happened again, and two local state parks have been listed.
The folks at have just done a story listing some of the hidden gems in the state of Connecticut. They claim they have found seven places that are what they call "a little out of the way, but worth the trip."
Now when I hear someone tell me it's a 'hidden treasure', my first thought is it's a quite place that not too many people know about. One of the locations was Kent Falls State Park. OK, I'll give them this one. Kent Falls is one of the natural wonders of our state, and no matter what time of the year you visit, you can always count on the scenic views and the rolling waterfalls. It can get a little busy during the summer months, but it's never so bad that you can't have a nice relaxing day or a picnic lunch.
The other location, and the one I have the problem with the publication using the term "hidden gem" was Squantz Pond. Now you can't argue with the beauty of the area and the mountains and views, but to say it's a "hidden gem" may be stretching it a bit.
Have you ever tried to get in to the park on a nice spring or summer day? Every weekend during the season, it's usually closed due to overcrowding before noon time. There was even a town ordinance passed recently, banning non-residents from even entering the park. So how can you call that a "hidden treasure?" If Squantz Pond is indeed a hidden treasure, then someone can't keep a secret very well.
As the website's story states, Squantz Pond is "peaceful and serene." Maybe it was the day that they wrote this story, but it wasn't any time I visited the park during spring or summer. Go there any sunny, warm day, and you'll be sandwiched in with hundreds of others who just happened to stumble upon this "hidden gem." There's also the chance that you may not even be able to get in at all, because the park is closed due to overcrowding. Not exactly what I would call a "hidden gem."
Now I understand what they are trying to convey, but when there's a place that is so busy you can't even get near it when you want, using the phrase "hidden gem" may be a little bit of a stretch.