Ridgefield’s First Selectmen Rudy Marconi Tests Positive for COVID-19
It has been announced that Ridgefield's First Selectman has tested positive for COVID-19 and is recovering at home.
In an official update from Ridgefield's Emergency Operations Team, officials reassured residents that while First Selectman Rudy Marconi is definitely not feeling great, he is well on the road to recovery. Not only that, but he is continuing his work from home as he continues to isolate himself.
“Because I have been extremely careful in following all the directives, this is a reminder of how aggressive this virus is," said Marconi. "Please stay home.”
Ridgefield officials went on to provide various updates regarding the town's response to the current coronavirus pandemic, with an emphasis on exactly how important it is to maintain every possible precautionary measure, specifically social distancing.
Ridgefield Health Director Ed Briggs confirmed 107 COVID-19 cases within the town, with 12 total deaths as a result.
Additionally, anyone within the town of Ridgefield who has gathered in groups over this weekend is asked to self-quarantine for 14 days before entering any public areas. "This is the only way we can protect everyone," said Ed Briggs.
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