Ridgefield Overachiever to Run His 100th Marathon at Age 64
Don't get the wrong idea, when I say "overachiever," I mean it in a teasing, complimentary sort of way.
His name is Bill Gross and he's 64-years-young from Ridgefield, and in case you couldn't tell, he loves to run! I call him an "overachiever", because he runs, on average, eight 26-mile marathons per year. I become winded walking up the boat ramp at New Fairfield Town Park.
Please don't be offended, Bill. I kid around, because to be perfectly honest, not only am I a bit jealous of your perseverance, but you make me feel guilty because I can't bring myself to take a 30-minute walk.
I know what you're saying if you happen to be reading my blog right now Bill:
You know, Ethan, this sounds like a you-issue.
You know what, Bill? You're absolutely right! I became a runner back in '80 and '81 and it felt great. The only reason I stopped was I made all sorts of time management excuses. Not so for Bill Gross who recently told the News Times:
Running has taken me places I never would have gone. Everytime I go to a starting line of a race, I really know how lucky I am.
How did Bill do it? He hired a trainer and started running on the treadmill and slowly graduated to 5K and 10K races and then a half marathon. After his first marathon in Philadelphia, Bill was hooked. He told the News-Times that his most memorable marathon was the Boston Marathon in 2013. He was only a half-mile from the finish line when the bomb exploded in Copley Square. From our family here at i95, we wish you all the best as you run your 100th marathon!
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