I've been bombarded on Facebook by ads for reptile shows across the Northeast recently, and I'm tired of getting semi-excited about one, to then notice that it's happening in Saratoga, New York, or Manchester, New Hampshire. Please, would someone book a reptile show in Connecticut?

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I love all animals, but I'm obsessed with reptiles, insects, and amphibians. I always made a beeline to the reptile exhibits at zoos, or the tiny reptile/amphibian selection at Petco and local pet stores. I've had lizards, turtles, iguanas, and frogs as pets over the years, but what I really want this late in life is a snake. Have you ever tried to shop for a snake in Connecticut? It ain't easy. Petco has a meager selection, as does Gentle Jungle, and forget about trying to find a specialty breeder. I would never go black market, or try to get a venomous snake, I'm stupid, but not that stupid.

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Getty Images

That's why I want to go to a reptile expo, I've waited 50+ years for that perfect snake to move in with my wife, Chihuahua and I.

I must see ads from reptileexpo.com 30 times a day, and they book their events all over New England and New York. Some of their upcoming expos are in White Plains, Poughkeepsie, Long Island, and New Hampshire. Connecticut? No. Why? I assume that live animal shows and expos have been regulated out of our state.

So, for those who have read this far, there are a couple upcoming reptile shows nearby, but outside of our state in 2024: Manchester, New Hampshire on February 4, and Brentwood on Long Island on March 10.

The Best Things About Connecticut in 5 Words or Less

We ran a poll of Connecticut residents, asking them to describe the best part of living in here in 5 words or less. We got an overwhelming response and these were the most popular answers.

Gallery Credit: Lou Milano

Even This Beauty Costs $15,000 in Connecticut

Not everyone has $250,000 for a home, some not even $500. It's not cheap to live anywhere, but especially here in Connecticut. I just found this listing for the cheapest home on the market in all of our state, and I'm amazed that even this is going for $15,000 in 2024

Gallery Credit: Moxie Team and Randall Realtors-Compass via Zillow

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