How exciting, it's back! Our friends at Stew Leonard's are holding their 43rd annual Turkey Brigade, where they donate around 2,500 turkeys to local charities. We have been lucky enough to participate the last few years with the help of you, our listeners.

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Just like in years past, you will have the chance to nominate a charity who you think should receive turkeys this holiday season. All you need to do is fill out the form below and tell us why you think your charity should be chosen.

Each Stew Leonard's location participates (Danbury, Norwalk, Newington, Yonkers, East Meadow, Farmingdale and Paramus) in this event, and each will donate hundreds of turkeys to churches, civic groups, elderly housing, senior nutrition programs, and schools in their local communities. The goal of this event is to help provide Thanksgiving meals for families in need, and this is one of the most important years ever for that.

Just fill out the form below, and if your charity is chosen, you will be notified.

Winners will be chosen Friday, November 4.


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