New Milford Police Search for Suspected Thief With Head Scratching Mask Removal
The New Milford Police Department has released photos of a man they say burglarized the J.D. Hair Salon. Authorities say the man pictured here broke into the salon at 221 Danbury Road in New Milford and took money out of the cash register. Police say the incident took place on May 3, 2021.
Anyone with information on the identity of the man or the incident in question should contact contact Officer Stephen at 860-355-3133.

OK, if you are going to break into a store, any store (allegedly) and steal money, why take off your mask? I mean, in the past, the big question was mask or no mask, right?
If you wear a mask and someone is inside, they automatically know you are there to commit a crime and can defend their position and/or alert the authorities. If you don't wear a mask, the tech is going to get you.
These were the burning questions prior to COVID-19, but to go without a mask now? This makes no sense. The pandemic has given criminals everywhere a leg up on the authorities and a built in excuse to hide your face in broad daylight or behind closed doors with cameras watching.
I should probably call the New Milford P.D. I do recognize that guy, I just can't put my finger on where from? Oh, I know, it's Drake from State Farm.
So much for "Like a Good Neighbor." Good neighbors don't yoink the cash from the local salon (allegedly).
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