New Milford Police Lieutenant Back on Duty After Mystery Allegations Dismissed
He's back! Congratulations to New Milford Police Lieutenant, Larry Ash.
According to a News Times article published on August of 2018, the Commander of Field Services for the New Milford Police Department, Larry Ash, was placed on administrative leave pending an internal investigation triggered by a complaint received by the police department.
New Milford Mayor, Pete Bass, happily announced that after the completion of an independent investigation by an outside agency, the case has been finalized and closed by that agency according to the mayor's Facebook page.
The allegations were never made public and after the lengthy investigation by an outside source was concluded, they found that Ash had done nothing wrong. He was then immediately reinstated to the delight of Mayor Bass and New Milford citizens.
As I was reading the comments on Mayor Bass's FB page, I noticed that every one of them expressed their delight that Lieutenant Larry Ash was back.
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