New Information Emerges in Last Summer’s Candlewood Lake Boat Fatality
New evidence has been found in the case against an Oakville man who was charged in the death of a Waterbury teacher on Candlewood Lake.
Gary Morrone from Oakville, CT was charged in Wanda Tirado's death when she was flung off the back of his pontoon boat in Squantz Cove near the state park's boat ramp. Morrone was operating the pontoon boat at the time.
Morrone was charged with criminally negligent homicide and first-degree reckless boating charges after Tirado died from her injuries when she was struck by the boat's propeller.
The NewsTimes reported that Morrone's pre-trial hearing was postponed yesterday at Danbury Superior Court and rescheduled for July 10 because State's Attorney, Stephen Sedensky said they had sent some newfound evidence to the lab and were waiting for the report from the FBI. Sedensky did not say what that evidence was.
Morrone pleaded not guilty to the new charges of criminally negligent homicide and reckless boating charges along with a charge of not reporting a boating accident.
On June 19 of last summer at 2:15 pm New Fairfield emergency personnel were called to Squantz Cove where they found that a fellow boater had helped pull Morrone, who smelled like alcohol, out of the water. Minutes later Tirado was found face down in the water. It was reported that Morrone had left the scene with his pontoon boat and showed up at Danbury Hospital an hour later.
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