My New Boss is a Really Busy Guy So Naturally I’ve Been E-Mailing Him About Monkeys 3 Times a Day
My new "Big Boss" is a pretty cool guy. His name is Mike, we call him "Shut it Down Mike." Since he is relatively new to the market, he's extremely busy. This dude is here early, stays late and has many meetings to conduct.
I wanted to make sure he was up to speed with how things work around here. What better way than to e-mail him about monkeys multiple times a day?
If you are not familiar with monkeys, here is one.
It's been my mission for sometime now to have the radio station purchase a monkey for the Ethan and Lou show as a mascot/co-host. My pleas to free up money in the budget for this have fallen of deaf ears in the past. Since I am not the kind of guy to take no for an answer I've taken this request to the new sheriff in town.
To his credit he has been receptive and responsive. I wanted to get him to move some money around as we prepare for the Q2 budget. So far he says we are unlikely to be able to put a significant financial investment into a monkey.
Since he is a creative, team player, he did offer a cost effective solution. Apparently the World Wildlife Fund has a program where you can adopt a monkey, specifically the chimpanzee. Your donation as they explain it, helps provide protection for chimps worldwide who face the danger of extinction due to deforestation and commercial hunting.
Should you donate $55, you get a kit in return. The kit includes: a plush monkey doll, a photo, an adoption certificate, a species card and a gift bag. Sadly, it does not include an actual monkey.
I think I'll probably donate to help protect the monkeys but my search for a real one will roll on. Ya see, this is more like one of those "Adopt a Highway" programs where you don't actually own a stretch of highway, you just pay to keep it clean.
That's not my style because "this parenting isn't about delegating responsibility, it's about being there." "I'm a papa!"
I'm going to take another crack at having "Shut it Down Mike" budget for this in Q3. We really need this monkey, I'm certain of this. In all likelihood, this monkey needs us. We NEED Mike to get on the horn with corporate and make it happen. We've been told time and again, "A monkey can do your job." I will not rest until we test this theory.
LEGAL NOTICE - "Shut it Down Mike" declined several requests to be photographed or quoted directly in this blog.
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