All three of my boys are on summer vacations right now. Louis and Chris are visiting their grandma in South Carolina and soaking up the sun. My other son Lucas is with his grandma in California visiting my sister in law. Last night he (Lucas) just happened to be at the L.A. hot spot Nobu. He also happened to run into Jamie Foxx. The other two were out on the boat all day in sunny South Carolina.

Lou's phone
Lou's phone (LUCAS)
Lou's phone
Lou's phone (LOUIS)

What the hell did I do yesterday? Well I was writing dumb jokes and watching episodes of "Breaking bad" that I have seen ten times. These kids are just living the dream. Soaking up the sun and chilling with Hollywood's elite.

Let me quote my grandpa and just say "nice country America." That's what he used to say when he would see us kids living it up. It was a gentle reminder that the life we enjoy here in America is a nice cushy one that most humans are not lucky enough to experience.

I hope my kids will look back and appreciate all that their grandparents, aunt's uncle's and cousins did for them over the years. Of course I hope they appreciate our sacrifices but the life they enjoy is as nice as it is because they have a huge family that loves them. My wife and I certainly could not do it alone. I guess it does take a village.

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