Sandy Hook ‘Truther’ Accused of Distributing ID Info of Victim’s Father
Conspiracy "extremist," Wolfgang Halbig has been arrested in Lake County, Florida and charged with being in possession of another person's identification.
The Associated Press reports that after Halbig waged a relentless denial campaign against the grieving parents of Sandy Hook children who were murdered inside their school in 2012, the Florida man allegedly sent many emails to citizens and law enforcement agencies alike, containing very sensitive personal information of Leonard Pozner, the father of Noah Pozner, who died during the tragedy at the age of 6.
According to the News Times, Lenny Pozner, filed a complaint against Halbig amidst the accused's reported information sharing.
He has posted and shared my address, social security number, and some of the most private details of my life, in order to fund his terror campaign against Sandy Hook victim's families.
For a little more background information, Halbig's conspiracy theories were at one time promoted by another notorious extremist, Alex Jones, on his internet-based Info Wars show. Jones has since removed himself from Halbig's shadow, and now claims he no longer believes that the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax.