Man Attempts to Rescue Drunk Woman in Tree, She Refuses Help
In a video posted to @BVIRAL on Instagram, we have a man claiming he was called in to rescue a drunk woman in a tree, but she doesn't want to be rescued. The man starts the video by saying "We just got called in on a really weird call today, we got called in to rescue a drunk girl from a tree from the Fire Department."
He uses his lift to get to the eye level with the woman. He say's "excuse me ma'am, what are you doing in this tree?" She replies, "Day drinking," raises her thermos and asks what he's doing.
When he tells her that he's there to get her out of the tree, she says "we don't have a problem here," points her thermos in his face and then tilts it back for a hefty swig.
I'm calling major B.S. on this being real. Her makeup and hair are done perfectly, all the beats that needed to be caught on camera to make the video work, were there and the video is posted on an Instagram account called "BViral."
This is the most staged video in the history of staged videos, but they got me to write about it so hats off to that, but this is the Fakest of Fake News today.
Here is the video in question.