Major Improvements to Metro-North Highlight Lamont’s Transit Package
How does this sound, commuting from Danbury to Grand Central without ever changing trains?
Governor Ned Lamont just rolled out his 10-year transportation initiative which includes extensive upgrades to Metro-North Commuter Railroad service according to the New Haven Register.
One of the highlights would be the direct connection of the Danbury and Waterbury branch lines to Grand Central which means no switching trains. That would be one train and one train only to and from Grand Central.
According to WNPR.org, Lamont's CT2030 initiative was unveiled this morning, November 7 to improve Connecticut residents' commute across the state but it does come with a hefty price tag of $21 billion.
The CT2030 plan would also help to unclog highway bottlenecks, replace aging infrastructure like old bridges and connecting Bradley Airport to a modernized rail system. The ten-year plan would also include Lamont's toll proposal which you can review by clicking on Tim Sheehan's blog post.
I bet you're asking, "How is Lamont going to pay for this massive $21 billion 10-year plan? It's complicated. For now, click this link for more details and then watch for the new CT2030 website to go online soon.
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