‘Love Your Library’ Celebration Comes to Ridgefield
I'm addicted to books. Reading takes us places we might only ever dream of going. Here's the chance to support a local library.
To know me is to know I'm an avid reader. Before my Kindle exploded with eBooks, the shelves and bookcases in my house were full to overflowing. I spent many fantastic hours at the public library growing up, it was such an important part of my life.
The Ridgfield Public Library, 400 Main Street, is sponsoring the second annual fundraising event on Sept. 15 and Sept. 16 called "Love Your Library."
The idea behind "Love You Library" is to:
Celebrate the centerpiece of Ridgefield’s cultural heritage, by highlighting the variety and depth of the programming offered by the Ridgefield Public Library, and the integral role the town and its citizens play in making the library successful.
The weekend's events look to raise not only awareness of the plethora of programs and services that the library offers the community but to also raise funds to support the ongoing operations of the public library.
Here's the roster of events planned:
For High School and Middle School students:
- A summer Playwriting Contest the will showcase staged readings of the winning plays on Friday night, Sept.15 at the Ridgefield Playhouse by members of the Ridgefield High School Theatre Group.
For Adults on Friday, Sept.15 from 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
- Reception in the Bossidy Commons with wine, beer,
appetizers and music.
For Families on Sept. 16 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
- Indoor Mini-Golf and various activities throughout the Library on Saturday
"Love You Library" aka LYL, will have LYL Day Around Town, including librarary volunteers throughout the weekend passing out information, LYL bookmarks and collecting donations. The Police Benevolent Association will man a table on Main Street offering coloring books, bookmarks and other giveaways and the Fire Department will hold an open house where kids can tour the firehouse and sit on firetrucks.
Make sure to be this great celebration on your calendar of things to do.
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