Lou: ‘My Pal, ‘Big Zen’ Ethan Carey Celebrates 40 Years at i95 Today’
February 28, 1979: Ethan Carey first appeared on i95 just two years and some change after the station launched on December 24, 1976. Ethan has been on i95 for FORTY years today.
Think about that. To do anything for forty years is an amazing accomplishment, but to do what he has done is really something special. He has shared his love for music and laughs with generations of i95 listeners.
To say that Ethan Carey has spoken to millions of people over these forty years would not be an exaggeration. Everyone in the Greater Danbury area knows his name, and so many love him for what he does and who he is. I am one those Ethan Carey fans. I was a real fan and listened to him from the time I was 13 years old. Then, when I started working at i95 when I was 20, we became friends and then morning show partners.
Ethan's talent is undeniable -- he is the consummate straight man. Ethan has not always received the credit for the popularity of the many shows he has co-hosted with many co-hosts. He deserves all the credit in the world because he is the brains of the operation. The proof is in the years. He is the constant.
It's no secret to anyone who knows me that Ethan is truly my closest friend. We have shared many milestones in 20 years of friendship and nearly 12 years as morning show partners. We have cried together, picked one another up, but most importantly, we made each other laugh every day.
Ethan, I love ya pal. You have my professional respect, but what means most to me is your friendship. I value it and always will.
Hey in case you missed it, a few old friends and the whole staff here at i95 checked in today to wish Ethan a Happy Anniversary, including Danbury's Mayor, Mark Boughton, and the legendary Pam Brooks live from Florida! (Florida, you say!?) Here's how that went:
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