Governor Lamont Concerned About Covid-19 Internet Rumors
Governor Lamont is worried about rumors being circulated about Covid-19 and their effect on CT residents.
Governor Lamont has been talking with government officials about a possible informational hotline to dismiss rumors and misinformation about Covid-19 that seems to be spreading on the internet.
According to a Litchfield Daily Voice article, instead of utilizing the already over-burdened 2-1-1 hotline, Lamont's been discussing setting up a separate hotline to provide general information for Connecticut residents.
During a recent interview, Lamont quashed claims that the state or federal government would issue and enforce a mandatory two-week "shelter-in-place order. Another rumor making the rounds is that various stores including liquor stores would soon be considered non-essential, which means they would be closed down.
After an interview on WINY radio in Putnam, Lamont also dispelled the rumor that the National Guard is readying a state or federal lockdown order for all Connecticut residents. These are strictly rumors and have no basis or foundation in fact.
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