JR Smith Tells His Side of Beating Story on Twitter
There was a side note to the L.A. protests over the weekend that you may or may not be aware of, TMZ has footage of NBA player J.R. Smith laying a beating on a man he says vandalized his truck. J.R. took to Twitter to explain why this happened and this is what he had to say. WARNING: Foul language
I've never been a J.R. Smith fan but after seeing this video he's jumped up a notch in my book and it seems straight forward to me. I know the police don't encourage taking matters like this into your own hands but who among us...........?
The good news from this incident is thanks to TMZ's video, followed by J.R.'s explanation it looks like this will be the quickest we get to the truth in any matter this year and that is refreshing.
In today's world I could never be a sports agent, lawyer or representative of any kind. You can't keep these pro players off of Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat or Tik-Tok for two minutes so how in the hell can you keep them out of trouble?
Is a vandalized window covered by insurance or do you pay Safelite repair out of pocket for something like this?
Favorite line from this tweet: "I chased him down and whooped his ass."

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