Is It Illegal To Stand In A Parking Spot To Save It For Someone?
A video has gone viral of two women standing in a parking spot to save it. Another car was trying to park in the space as they stood in it, waiting for their car to pull up. Is this legal?
UNILAD posted a video showing two women standing in a parking space to save it for someone they knew. Another car was attempting to pull into the spot while they stood, arguing that they couldn't save the spot for someone by standing in it.
The International Parking Institute says that while it is dangerous to stand in a spot to save it, no state has enacted a law ruling against it. Possession is 9/10 of the law, so if someone is standing in it, there is no law saying they have to give it up, and they probably won't because they basically 'possess it.
However, placing an object, like a parking cone, in a space to save it is illegal in certain states, including New York. In New York City, blocking a parking space to save it is finable up to $2,000.
I also spoke to attorney Jonna Spilbor who said that it is actually a traffic violation to stand in a parking space to hold it while a car is trying to park there. But if someone is hurt while they are standing in a space, like a car hitting that person, then it is assault.
You could avoid the situation altogether by not being a total jerk and not stand in a parking space while someone is trying to park there.
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