If This Was Your Last Meal in Connecticut, What Would You Get?
If this was your last meal in Connecticut, say you're moving away, or even imagine yourself on death row, what would you get?

A steamed cheeseburger from Ted's? A fresh tomato pie from Pepe's? Wings from J. Timothy's? Clams from The Place? Ramen from Mecha?
Those are all running around in my mind, they're my go-to's when someone from out of state asks for the best food items that Connecticut has to offer. But, honestly, I'm kinda sick of everything lately. I think the white clam pizza from Pepe's is the most amazing pizza on the face of the earth, but I wouldn't order that as my last meal in Connecticut.
If I had to pick some of my favorites over the past year, they come close to being my final choice. I almost want to say the Tom Yum soup with shrimp from Thai BowL in Watertown, I never get sick of that, or the incredible ribs that Hoodoo Brown serves up every day in Ridgefield.
I want to keep it simple, not mix items from all of the different places, so I'm picking my go-to meal from "The gourmet of fast foods", a place that has never disappointed me: Frankie's on Watertown Ave in Waterbury.
For my last meal, I would order 2 of Frankie's delicious hot dogs, an order of fried mushrooms (Tartar sauce please), and one of their fountain Cokes. When I eat that from Frankie's, everything is alright in my world, I'm satisfied every time. That's the one meal that I would miss the most.
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